The Morrison Model Aircraft Flyers hosted their 6th annual Cancer Benefit fly in on Sunday August 21st.
The Home of Hope of the Sauk Valley once again was the recipient of the day’s proceeds. The Home Of Hope ( ) is a local organization that helps not only the cancer patient,
but their families as well. Our group raised over $500 this year, and every dollar stays right here in our community!
25 registered pilots from 4 area clubs were in attendance, the highest one day total for any MMAFRC event!
MMAFRC would like to thank all the participants who came to support this event.
We would also like to thank those who donated prizes; John and Cheryl O’Brien, Hobby Town of Rockford,
and Tower Hobbies of Champaign IL. As well as Ray and Hectcor Cavazos of Rock Falls for their airplane donation for the raffle. Also, we would like to thank Cheryl O’Brien for the salad and pies, and Joan Miller for helping at the registration and raffle table.
Please enjoy some photos of the day, courtesy of Tom Staples, MMAFRC member.
The raffle is always a fun feature of our events! (left) Here Jeff Cooley inspects a Sig Rascal, donated for the event by Ray
and Hector Cavazos. (right) The prize table is full of goodies donated by the club, and other club members.